Historic Overview Yerevan Regioal State College N2 named after N. Atchemyan was founded in 1935 as Soviet Technical school of Commerce and Economics. In 1959 by the Ministers’ Council resolution N 355 it was united and renamed Financial-Economical technical school. By the Ministry order N150 of 1967 July 1 it was separated and became Yerevan Technical School of Soviet Trade. By the RA People’s Ministry 1990 September 1 decision N 19/95 it was renamed into Yerevan Commercial and Economics technical School. In 1999 by Yerevan City Mayor April 23 decision N 517 it was renamed State College of Trade and Service named after N. Atchemyan. In 2012 by the February 28 decision N 143 A/K of RA Minister of Education and Science it was renamed into Yerevan Regional State College N2 Non-commercial state organization. In 1985 the technica...
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The profession gives girls and boys a great opportunity to study in free s...
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The specialty "Law" provides a great opportunity to specialize in the ...
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